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Alu-Rex System

We offer a variety of gutter materials and styles to perfectly match your home’s design. Schedule a free consultation for a custom gutter installation!

Your Gutter Installation Expert

Gutters used to be installed with nails or invisible hangers at 24-inch intervals. While these systems were relatively strong, they left long stretches of aluminum gutter, causing weak spots on the gutters at each section. The Alu-Rex Continuous Hanger systems reinforce the gutter along its entire length.
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Continuous Hanger™:

Continuous Hanger, Explained, part 01
Rain gutters are commonly installed with spaced hangers that cause weak spots on the gutter between each hanger.
Continuous Hanger, Explained, part 02
To avoid weak spots, hundreds of hangers would need to be added, but this is not a very efficient practice.
Continuous Hanger, Explained, part 03

With a Continuous Hanger, the rain gutters are reinforced along their entire length.

Gutter Hanger Systems

DoublePro® Microfiltration Continuous Hanger™

Next-Gen Gutter System

The DoublePro® combines the strength of the Continuous Hanger™ with the benefits of a microfiltration leaf guard, placing it at the forefront of the market by offering the most advanced technologies in gutter systems. Its unique design features two layers of ingeniously perforated industrial-grade aluminum, preventing even the finest debris from entering the gutter while ensuring rainwater flows away from your home. Furthermore, its exceptional strength is ensured by its Continuous Hanger™, allowing it to support up to 425lb per linear foot along the entire length of the gutter.

We highly recommend that all our customers consider the advantages of this revolutionary Alu-Rex product before making a final decision on their gutter system.

DoublePro Microfiltration Continuous Hanger

T-Rex® Continuous Hanger™

Ultra-Durable Gutter System

Our gutter installation experts have made T- Rex® their standard for fastening gutters, thus establishing a high-quality standard. With a design featuring an integrated continuous hanger™, this product stands out for its ability to support up to 250lb per linear foot, ensuring optimal gutter stability along its entire length. Its durability is guaranteed for life, providing our customers with absolute peace of mind regarding its unparalleled strength.

Opting for T-Rex means choosing a gutter solution that is not only reliable and resilient but also ensures peace of mind.

T-Rex Continuous Hanger
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